Small Cotton Candy Machines
#3024 Floss Boss This full size, entry-level cotton candy maker plugs in anywhere. Solid state heat control, high capacity spinner head and cool running operation make the Floss Boss safe and easy to operate. #42040NM Non-Metallic Floss Bowl included. |
#3017 Econo Floss Our lowest cost UL Listed Cotton Candy Machine. This durable cotton candy maker has an extra heavy-duty motor plus solid state, cool-running heat control. Four carbon brushes help reduce wear and tear on the brass slip rings. #42040NM Nonmetallic Floss Bowl included. |
#3017SS Stainless Steel Econo Floss This cotton candy maker features a stainless steel cabinet, spun aluminum bowl and the Whirl Grip stabilizer. |
#3149 Pinkie Floss Cart The world’s most popular "Floss on Wheels" setup. Designed primarily for the Econo Floss, Mega Floss and Floss Maxx cotton candy machines. Shown here with #3943 Double Bubble and Aluminum Floss Bowl. Bubble, Machine and Bowl sold separately. |
#3030 The Breeze
Laser technology, improved motor and heat
control are features of this tubular heating element cotton candy maker. |
#3016 Mega Floss
The Mega Floss combines the high performance of the Tornado with the
reliability and versatility of the Econo Floss in a 7" diameter single
ribbon Cotton Candy machine. |
#3077 Super Floss Maxx Maximum production on a 15 Amp line! The Super Floss Maxx cotton candy maker gives you more sales per hour and can be plugged in anywhere. The patented high performance floss head produces fluffier cotton candy and more yield per pound of sugar. Spun aluminum floss bowl standard. |
Equipment |
Large Cotton Candy Machines |
Cotton Candy Carts, Wagons and Bases |
Cotton Candy Supplies |